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J. David Legan

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J. David Legan, PhD

J. David Legan, PhD

Director of Science

David earned his Ph.D. in Food Technology from the University of Reading in the UK by modeling the ecology of mixed microbial populations, and then moved to Campden BRI in a variety of microbiological food safety research and client service roles. During that time, he was project lead for the Bacillus component of the UK’s pathogen modeling program.  He moved again to Nabisco Research in New Jersey where he ran the corporate microbiology lab and developed a program of preservation technology development and microbial modeling.  After the Kraft Foods acquisition, he moved to Chicago to work on Food Safety and Preservation research, and through modeling and validation studies:

  • Optimized Oscar Mayer’s use of lactate and diacetate and their naturally cultured alternatives as Listeria-control agents in Ready to Eat meats
  • Specified process conditions central to Oscar Mayer’s commercial launch of High Pressure Pasteurization of naturally cured RTE meats

David had responsibility for the Kraft cultures R&D group, developed a partnership to explore microwave sterilization leading to several patents, and led a program that developed an internal proprietary natural antimicrobial commercialized in several Kraft products. Technologies from his group supported approximately $4 billion in annual sales.

After years as a microbiology "client", he is now back in the "provider" role as Director of Science at Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc., by way of the Covance Food Solutions group based in Madison, WI, which he joined in 2016.  In this role, he ensures appropriate method validation, explores new testing technologies, and fields multiple complicated food microbiology questions.

Products that his team has evaluated or developed and launched include:

  • The 3M MDS platform in the Madison microbiology laboratory
  • Flow cytometry for enumeration of probiotics
  • Strain-level confirmation of probiotic identification using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • Next-generation sequencing using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies GridION sequencing platform for microbial identification and microbiome analysis


Below are resources from David:

Manufacturers and marketers of dietary supplements often have questions about what testing is required for Supplement Facts labels. This white paper is intended to provide information to help companies make informed choices about the testing and claims made on dietary supplements.

Gummy supplements continue to trend among consumers, but this matrix can be challenging to test. How does Eurofins address these challenges? Read about the answer from Jeff Stassi, Sr. Analytical Services Manager with Eurofins Food Chemistry Testing in Madison, WI.

Phytochemicals are chemicals derived from plants used to test the purity, composition, adulteration, and potency of botanical products. Discover how plant chemistry shapes and motivates botanical product authentication.

USP <561> Articles of Botanical Origin details testing for raw materials used in pharmaceuticals. Eurofins Chemistry has expanded their methods to include raw materials, dietary supplements, and Cannabis (spp.). This brochure describes methods for measuring aflatoxins, elemental contaminants (heavy metals), and multiresidue pesticides.

March 3, 2023 - Eurofins Craft Technologies Inc. is excited to announce it is the first laboratory in the world to offer an A2LA accredited option for astaxanthin ester profile. By reporting the ester profile rather than converting the astaxanthin to the free-form, there is less manipulation of the product, thereby minimizing the risk of loss and providing a more accurate result. As opposed to alternate methods, the ester profile displays an astaxanthin, profile which can be indicative of source material.

Ethylene oxide is gaining attention in the food regulatory space. EtO was banned as a food fumigant in 1991 in the EU. While ethylene oxide is not banned for use in foods in the United States, it is important to understand the allowed tolerances in the US and EU, especially as regulations continue to evolve and online sales contribute to increasing overseas exports. This article outlines the uses and toxicity of EtO, US and EU regulations, and EtO analysis at Eurofins.

Foreign materials in products can be dangerous to consumers and damage a brand's reputation. At Eurofins, we have the expertise and experience to handle all kinds of foreign material investigations, including issues in pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. This case study outlines how we used microbial culture methods and 16S PCR to identify a bacterial contaminant and prevent future issues.

Foreign materials in products can be dangerous to consumers and damage a brand's reputation. At Eurofins, we have the expertise and experience to handle all kinds of foreign material investigations, including issues in pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. This case study outlines how we used soot, ash, and char analysis to help a client avoid weeks of factory closure following a small fire.

Foreign materials in products can be dangerous to consumers and damage a brand's reputation. At Eurofins, we have the expertise and experience to handle all kinds of foreign material investigations, including issues in pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements. This case study outlines how we used microscopy and elemental analysis to determine the cause of discoloration in a pharmaceutical tablet.

In this webinar attendees will learn about the technical, instrument, and regulatory considerations for chromatographic method feasibility, development, optimization, verification, validation also method transfer considerations. Original airdate October 20, 2022.

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