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In this blog, we help you decipher high-level changes coming with Pet Food Label Modernization (PFLM), as well as how to be prepared for the updated guidelines for pet food products.

In this on-demand webinar Doug Marshall and John Scanga explain the latest regulatory challenges in food safety and quality from the FDA and USDA with a focus on the new rules and regulations. Original airdate August 7, 2024.

This poster evaluates the microbiological safety of immersion method concentrated coffee, and single strength cold brew coffee processed by UHT. The results were used to determine if temperature controls for safety (TCS) should be required for these products during retail.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to validate enrichment concentration as a method for shortening enrichment times to 12 hours for Listeria testing in leafy greens.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to develop a molecular method that detects indicators of enteric pathogen contamination and requires less than six hours of enrichment.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to determine the main cause(s) of presumptive Listeria spp. environmental samples that fail to confirm by culture.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to evaluate an automated highly multiplexed PCR system for the characterization and molecular confirmation of presumptive environmental sample enrichments in comparison to cultural confirmation.

In this on-demand webinar we'll provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to navigate Amazon's Dietary Supplements Policy. Original airdate April 24, 2024.

Get the latest insights on the Innovative FEED Act and its significance for animal feed ingredients. Read our blog for more information.

This is an on-demand webinar on the Innovative Feed Enhancement and Economic Development (FEED) Act of 2023. Discover how this revolutionary regulatory pathway distinguishes animal feed ingredients as additives, not drugs, promoting innovation, safety, and improved nutrition. Original airdate April 2, 2024.

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