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This poster discusses research with the purpose to demonstrate proof of concept of the EPRI tool with real-world samples by comparing against a validated pathogen method and culture.
This poster discusses research with the purpose to evaluate the performance of a commercial real-time PCR Salmonella detection method with spice matrices having antimicrobial and PCR inhibitory properties and to determine if any method modifications are required to obtain acceptable results.
This white paper will provide a brief overview of both prevention and investigation of spoilage. By focusing on principles, it will not be able to answer every question, but rather will illustrate questions to ask during product design and failure investigations.
Mushroom toxicity comes from many sources, including the soil, processing, and the mushrooms themselves. This infographic outlines sources of contamination, as well as steps to take to minimize the risk of toxins entering the food chain.
This webinar presentation covers a background review of how we have come to report results as “presumptive”, the current state of rapid and confirmation testing, and possible future direction. Original airdate December 7, 2023.
In this on-demand webinar, Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories has partnered with Rheonix to explore the challenges centering around recurring Listeria in an environment, and to offer real answers to your nagging Listeria questions and limited industry resources. Original airdate November 14, 2023.
In this on-demand webinar, you will learn how to assess your microbiological food safety hazards related to these holding steps and determine if pathogen growth and/or toxin production may occur. We will discuss several case studies as well as different strategies you may employ to address these identified risks. Original airdate October 11, 2023.
Microbiological specifications are tools used to help manage risk in a food business. A specification defines the limits of acceptable and unacceptable conditions at important decision points in the manufacturing and distribution continuum, from ingredient specifications to final product specifications. In this white paper we will explore the types, uses, and creation of microbiological specifications.
In a recent webinar, experts answered some FAQs about probiotic enumeration, with a focus on the applications of flow cytometry to probiotic products. This blog provides an overview of the questions and answers, including the benefits of flow cytometry, how it compares to plate counts, and considerations for testing.
As the global leader in food testing, Eurofins has a few tips as you prepare your sample for submission to our laboratories. These tools will inform you how to expedite the testing process, ensure sample integrity and keep your samples on track. Connect with us today to get started!