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Services >> Compliance Verification for Amazon's Dietary Supplements Policy >> Next Steps for Compliance with Amazon's Dietary Supplements Policy
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Next Steps for Compliance with Amazon's Dietary Supplements Policy

You have chosen Eurofins as your testing lab partner. Now what?

You have submitted your Testing Request (TR) through Seller Central, selecting Eurofins as your laboratory. Here is what to expect next.

Haven't submitted your test request yet? Click HERE to go to Seller Central and select Eurofins as your third-party Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) organization.

1. Watch your inbox for an email. You will receive a Welcome email from a member of the dedicated Customer Support Specialist team that will walk you through the process. This email will be sent to the main email address on your Amazon Seller Account.

2. Complete the instruction provided in your Welcome email.

  • Complete and submit the Amazon Verification Form
  • Complete and submit the Account Setup Form

3. Receive a quote. Once all of the information in step two has been received the dedicated Customer Support Specialist team will compile a quote containing all of the testing needed for your product. You will receive this via email for review and acceptance.

4. Finalize account set up. Upon your signed acceptance of the quote and receipt of payment for testing, the dedicated Customer Support Specialist team will work with you to finalize your account set up in the Eurofins database and prepare for sample submission.

Please note: As we continue through the process of testing and certification, we will need to receive GMP certification documents directly from your manufacturer(s), in addition to a list of products that are produced at that location. In order to avoid delays, please start this communication with them as soon as possible.