Webinar: Understanding PFAS in the Food Industry: Regulations, Testing Methods, and Safety Measures

Join Eurofins Senior Staff Scientist, Lukas Vaclavik, for a discussion about per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in the food industry. PFAS have wide industrial applications and are components of everyday items like food packaging, cookware, and electronics. They are not often used in food production, however, their resistance to decomposition leads to accumulation in soils and water, ultimately leading to food contamination.
This webinar will provide an overview of:
- How PFAS enter the food industry
- Current and future regulations
- Method workflows available in a variety of food matrices
Original airdate: Wednesday, July 19th, 2023
Length: 60 minutes
Lukas Vaclavik - Senior Staff Scientist - Eurofins Food Chemistry Testing, Inc. - Madison, WI
Q&A from the webinar:
Matrix questions:
- Q: What if I need a food product tested that has not been validated for your method?
- A: If we receive a product that the method has not been specifically validated for, we run that type of sample twice: once as is and once fortified with target analytes to demonstrate appropriate performance in this matrix. It is possible that the reporting limit would be higher for that matrix than what was presented in this webinar.
- Q: How do these methods apply to cosmetic products?
- A: Our internal method is not applicable to cosmetics—we focus on food and feed testing. Such testing is certainly possible with methods available already, but it is not a matrix we work with at this time.
Packaging questions:
- Q: What are the best resources to find guidelines on PFAS for food packaging?
- A: We recommend the following resources for more information on food packaging guidelines:
- US FDA may be the best source of information: https://www.fda.gov/food/process-contaminants-food/authorized-uses-pfas-food-contact-applications.
- Additional information on state regulations: https://www.steptoe.com/en/news-publications/state-of-the-states-pfas-food-packaging-bans-and-restrictions.html?tab=overview.
- A: We recommend the following resources for more information on food packaging guidelines:
- Q: With Eurofins Food Chemistry Testing’s methodology focusing only on foods at this time, have "packaging" materials been evaluated?
- A: Packaging materials are not within the testing scope of our laboratory, but suitable methods are already available for this type of testing at other laboratories. Some relevant information on PFAS in food contact material can be found in the following link: https://www.steptoe.com/en/news-publications/state-of-the-states-pfas-food-packaging-bans-and-restrictions.html?tab=overview.
Methodology questions:
- Q: What are the analytical challenges when testing for PFAS?
- A: Some of the biggest challenges are low target concentrations, ubiquity, and the large number of sources for PFAS contamination. There is also a risk of cross-contamination, and we see selectivity issues for certain analytes.
- Q: What kind of standards were used for performing the calibration? Solvent based or matrix matched?
- A: Solvent standards with isotope-labeled internal standards were used to perform the calibration.
- Q: How can you be confident in the results obtained using a single MRM transition?
- A: In addition to the single MRM transition, we perform confirmatory analysis by LC-HRMS.
Levels questions:
- Q: Where can I find acceptable PFAS levels for finished products?
- Q: Since there are no legal maximum levels set, how can you determine if PFAS is a risk in your product?
- A: Determining risk in your product requires complex risk assessment along with testing. We recommend consulting with an expert in risk assessment as this is not an easy task. Contact Eurofins today to speak with an experienced expert in risk assessment.
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