Authentication of Agave Products through Isotopic Intramolecular 13C Content of Ethanol: Optimization and Validation of 13C Quantitative NMR Methodology

Authors: Vincent Portaluri, Freddy Thomas, Eric Jamin, Serge Akoka, and Gérald S. Remaud
ACS Food Science & Technology, 2021,
We are proud to share the publication of a new scientific article from our team overseas. This article details the optimization of the NMR method, and the validation of the enhancements made. This unique analysis can differentiate agave inulin/syrup/alcohol from cane or corn adulterants. Agave products are at high risk for fraud due to the scarcity of agave and the availability of cheap substitutes.

Agave syrup has become a popular sweetener among consumers because of its low glycemic index and pleasant taste, but substitution by cheaper sugar syrups makes it vulnerable to fraud. A 13C site-specific natural isotopic fractionation (SNIF)-NMR approach had been developed to allow the detection of C4 plants (cane, maize) in agave products, with the drawback of a long NMR acquisition time. In this work, an INEPT (insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer) pulse sequence was implemented to significantly reduce acquisition time while accurate and reproducible results are obtained. Apparent site-specific isotopic deviations were correlated to values acquired with single pulse method. The analytical method was validated following the normative procedure NF V03-110, from sample preparation to data correction. With a single pulse method as a reference, performances were at least equally good and measurement time was halved, opening new methodological ways for isotopic ratio monitoring of carbon in the ethanol molecule by NMR, also applicable to fermented and fermentable beverages. In parallel, the method was extended to agave inulin characterization after a preliminary controlled hydrolysis.
Read the full article here.
Read more about how we can help you with authenticity testing and your agave products.