Produce Testing-Your Sample is Presumptive, Now What? Webinar
You walk the field, you pick some product, and you drop it off at the lab for testing. Not long after, you hear back your sample is presumptive. Now what? Managing food safety in the fresh produce industry has never been a simple endeavor, and designing your testing program is certainly more encompassing than just picking some product and sending it to the lab. While your motivations for testing may have from originated from customers or internal directives, it is important to determine what your testing program is capable of detecting prior to submitting a sample. A presumptive result may mean many things; this webinar on produce testing discusses that when the presumptive notification comes, you and your program are ready.
Original Air Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Presenter: Joelle Mosso, Associate Chief Scientific Officer for the Eurofins Produce Segment
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