In Produce, It's Yuma Season! (with some shiny lab updates)

The Industry and Eurofins Transition South
The southwest leafy green industry has once again completed its migration south, from cold Salinas California to the warmer winters of Arizona. Eurofins Produce Testing within the region has likewise followed suit, shifting some resources from the Eurofins Microbiology laboratory in Salinas, CA down to the laboratory in Yuma, AZ in support of the growing season.
EML Yuma Upgrades!
Since the establishment of the Eurofins Yuma Microbiology laboratory (EML), the site has been undergoing a transition of its own. Initially placed as a strategic service point for the leafy green industry, the location has served its purpose. Yet, over the past 3 years as Eurofins has expanded in this area, the location has required some development to better accommodate the testing needs.
In November 2024, renovations were completed at EML Yuma. This lab upgrade included the acquisition of an additional 3,000 square feet of the existing building, which was subsequently demolished to create 10 additional rooms and workspaces designed for a one-directional process flow of samples. This improvement enhances efficiency and reduces the risk of cross-contamination, ensuring the highest quality when testing our farmers’ products.
Large newly acquired building area is quickly renovated to segregated lab space.
Laboratory On Display
To welcome the season and show off the new layout, the laboratory hosted an open house to customers on December 11th, 2024. Eurofins staff and produce experts greeted over 40 local farmers and industry professionals with food, drinks, and lab tours.
A laboratory open house is a custom within Eurofins as a means to meet face to face with local clients and provide transparency to the lab process. While this was a one-time event, EML Yuma as well as all Eurofins labs welcome a request for a laboratory tour at any time.
Looking Ahead
In the coming year, Eurofins produce looks to continue to enhance the industry standards for quality testing. There will be a continuation of the local training series started in Salinas in 2024, with topics expanding on sampling procedures, understanding your results, and more!