Case Study: Hamburger bun with rodent contamination

The Challenge
A consumer at a fast food restaurant was distressed when they found a rodent in their bun. The consumer filed a large legal claim against our client, a bun manufacturer. However, the fast food restaurant had three bun suppliers at the time, so it was unclear where the suspect bun originated. We were recruited to investigate the suspect bun and determine which of the three bun suppliers it came from to prevent legal action against the wrong manufacturer.
Our Approach
Since we wanted to determine if the suspect bun was from our client, our team compared the suspect bun to a non-contaminated bun supplied by the client. We first used microscopy to compare the topography and morphology of the buns. In other words, we determined if they look the same. Then, we used routine chemical analysis, including HPLC, to analyze the protein, starch, organic acids, and preservatives in the suspect bun compared to the reference bun. If the chemical profiles differed significantly, then the suspect bun did not originate with our client.
The Solution
Not only did the suspect and control buns have differing micro-morphology, but they also had differing organic acid and preservative content. These differences suggest that the bun with a rodent was not manufactured by our client. Further investigation found that the suspect bun was not manufactured by any of the fast food restaurant's three suppliers, and the customer faked the contamination the whole time. Thus, our client had a favorable outcome and faced no legal consequences.
Our Team
Eurofins SF Analytical is renowned for successfully investigating the most challenging problems in food, beverages, and packaging; including product recall support, insurance, and legal investigation. Our experts’ range of expertise from microbiology to analytical chemistry coupled with years of experience makes them the ideal team for foreign material and contamination investigations. Click here to connect with an expert, or visit our website to learn about the full range of offerings.
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