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Ask an Expert with Michael Kaiser - Pathogen Detection Platforms

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Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc. is made up of a network of microbiology labs located all throughout the US to support microbiological testing needs. Each lab has dedicated customer support so you get answers fast. Our Ask an Expert Series showcases our scientists from around the country and answers questions customers frequently ask. Videos are published weekly on all of social media platforms. 



Ask an Expert Series - Topic #7

What is the difference between BAX and Eurofins BACGene?

"There is very little practical difference between the two pathogen detection platforms. Both use PCR to detect gene sequences that are unique to each pathogen. Because BACGene is a Eurofins product we have more control over supply chain issues, more input on product R&D improvements, and greater ability to manage costs. In addition, BACGene can use PREraser, which degrades exogenous DNA, potentially resulting in fewer false positive detections." - Michael Kaiser, of Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc. in Madison, WI.


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