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Ask an Expert with Camila Gadotti - Environmental Monitoring Tools

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Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc. is made up of a network of microbiology labs located all throughout the US to support microbiological testing needs. Each lab has dedicated customer support so you get answers fast. Our Ask an Expert Series showcases our scientists from around the country and answers questions customers frequently ask. Videos are published weekly on all of social media platforms. 



Ask an Expert Series - Topic #9

What type of sponge should I select for my pathogen and indicator testing?

"When choosing a swabbing device for collecting environmental surface samples, you want to keep in mind which buffer solution the device is stored in. Buffer ingredients are added to help neutralize sanitizers left behind in your plant by your cleaning and sanitation crew. While these buffers allow for proper organism recovery for accurate micro testing, they can negatively impact petrifilm and molecular microbial methods by decreasing sensitivity or being completely incompatible altogether. The preferred swabbing devices include those with Letheen broth or Hi-Cap neutralizing broth as they are compatible with all methods. In regards to shape, a sponge or sponge stick is appropriate for most surfaces while a swab is ideal for getting in those smaller cracks and crevices. Make the most of your environmental testing by ensuring you are using the correct device for the testing you need. If you are unsure of which device to use, our teams are happy to help find your solution." - Camila Gadotti, Vice President of Microbiology for Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc.


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