Ask an Expert - 5 Answers to your Questions about Infrared Spectroscopy

Our Ask an Expert Series showcases Eurofins experts from around the country and answers questions frequently asked by customers. The questions below are answered by members of the Eurofins QTA team.
What is spectroscopy?
Spectroscopy is a method that measures at what wavelength and how much light is absorbed by a material type and at what intensity of light passes through it. Individual wavelengths interact with different compounds in different ways; this allows chemists to use data to map the physical and chemical properties, providing clients with quantitative data. Near-infrared spectroscopy measures absorption, emission, and reflection patterns within the infrared wavelength range, around 700 to 2500 nm (400-12000 cm-1). When you work with Eurofins QTA for your Infrared Spectroscopy solution, QTA provides a full spectrum of light enabling clients to get a wider array of testing with the click of a mouse.
What are the benefits of NIR vs traditional wet chemistry?
Traditional wet chemistry analysis can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and require expensive instrumentation and caustic reagents compared to Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. When utilizing NIR for quality testing, you have the following benefits from a single scan:
- Multiple traits/analytes
- Reagent free, rapid analysis that requires little to no sample preparation
- The ability to analyze physical forms, including solids, liquids, suspensions, pastes, and more
Infrared (IR) spectroscopy provides clients with a uniform sample analysis method that can be utilized by any non-technical personnel across multiple locations, reducing human error when analyzing with traditional chemistry methodology.
When implementing IR within your operations, you gain the capacity to achieve a high volume of data in a short time period, enabling you to make real-time quality decisions that cannot be achieved with traditional methods. While easy to operate, robust NIR models are required to achieve accurate results with dedicated personnel and rigorous effort to maintain. When partnering with Eurofins QTA, we provide a dedicated team to take care of your modeling needs.
What is the difference between NIR vs. Mid IR?
In spectroscopy, the infrared region of light is subdivided into three regions; near, mid, and far.
Near-IR (NIR) can accommodate a large variety of matrices, including both liquids and solids that may not be homogenous. Instrumentation for Near-IR, including at-line, benchtop, and in-line, are more rugged and can be used in harsher environments than Mid-IR instruments.
Mid-IR is more sensitive than NIR due to higher absorption coefficient making it well-suited for gas, liquid, paste, and other homogenous materials When working with Eurofins QTA, our team of Ph.D. chemists evaluates your material types and applications to determine which technology will perform the best for your products.
What types of samples and traits can be evaluated with NIR?
A wide range of samples can be tested utilizing NIR. Common sample matrices include food products, marine oils, hops, hemp, and dairy. Eurofins QTA pushes the boundaries of where clients can use NIR in order to introduce this analytical solution into new applications and emerging industries.
In addition to analyzing organic materials, Eurofins QTA has applications for physical and inorganic traits, such as calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate in limestone and NPK in fertilizers.
What are some of the challenges to making IR work?
Infrared spectroscopy can come with many challenges when building from the ground up. Some key challenges to developing and maintaining IR programs include capital expenses for equipment, the number of samples and variety of data necessary to build robust models, fluctuating environments, and ongoing model validation and maintenance.
When working with Eurofins QTA for your IR programs, we can assist you with purchasing instrumentation or provide instrumentation for you along with our services. With our solutions, clients can have confidence that our models are built upon decades of collected data and are able to withstand formulation changes and varying environments. Our team of Ph.D. chemists provides continuous monitoring of instrument performance and ongoing model maintenance. When you partner with Eurofins QTA, you receive the benefits of infrared spectroscopy without the traditional challenges of building or maintaining an IR program.
About Eurofins QTA
Eurofins Quality Trait Analysis (QTA) is a specialized spectroscopy group within the Eurofins network offering inclusive services for infrared testing solutions. In collaboration with our clients, the Eurofins QTA team of dedicated experts evaluates your analytical requirements to develop a custom IR solution to fit your needs.
Our services include instrumentation, model validation, maintenance and monitoring, initial and ongoing training for your employees, 24/7 technical support, and troubleshooting. In addition, Eurofins QTA offers services for special projects, research, and development work.
Click here to learn more about rapid on-site IR/NIR services at Eurofins.