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Resources for you:

Besides flavor, salt is commonly used as a preservation ingredient to bind available water and help lower the water activity. It helps create conditions that are hard for pathogens to grow in. Learn more how the addition of salt in a smoked salmon product is not very straightforward with removing pathogen risk.

The dietary supplement industry has become an increasingly regulated industry since the introduction of the dietary supplement GMPs in 2007. There is still to this day an industry confusion as to the requirements needed to comply with the dietary supplement GMP requirement to use a scientifically valid method. So does this mean the method must be validated?

How do you determine the identity of a unknown material I found in my product? Patricia Quinn from Eurofins SF Analytical in New Berlin, WI discusses this topic in this short video. Eurofins publishes our Ask an Expert Series weekly on our social media platforms.

As NIR instrumentation ages or manufacturers discontinue the support for older platforms, it is necessary to look for a replacement. With so many brands and models in the market and manufacturers’ claims of impressive capabilities, how does one narrow down the selection and find the correct choice?

Some minerals are found to interfere with vitamin K2 shelf-life stability in nutraceuticals. Watch our video case study to learn how Eurofins Craft Technologies assists clients experiencing formulation challenges.

This poster evaluates the microbiological safety of immersion method concentrated coffee, and single strength cold brew coffee processed by UHT. The results were used to determine if temperature controls for safety (TCS) should be required for these products during retail.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to validate enrichment concentration as a method for shortening enrichment times to 12 hours for Listeria testing in leafy greens.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to develop a molecular method that detects indicators of enteric pathogen contamination and requires less than six hours of enrichment.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to determine the main cause(s) of presumptive Listeria spp. environmental samples that fail to confirm by culture.

This poster discusses research with the purpose to evaluate an automated highly multiplexed PCR system for the characterization and molecular confirmation of presumptive environmental sample enrichments in comparison to cultural confirmation.