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This series is focused on getting new pet food, pet treat, and pet supplement businesses headed down the right path.
Although many genera of bacteria produce lactic acid as a primary or secondary end-product of fermentation, the term Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) is conventionally reserved for genera in the order Lactobacillales. LAB have many applications in food production and spoilage, all of which apply when considering when and how to test for lactic acid bacteria in food.
In this webinar, Doug Marshall, Chief Science Officer at Eurofins Microbiology discusses an approach to zone 1 testing that recommends non-direct-contact surfaces simultaneously for pathogens and indicators, then building a correlation between quantitative indicator count and Salmonella or Listeria prevalence. Dr. Marshall will share insights on how companies are employing this approach, including exploration of the various philosophical and scientific rationales for zone 1 pathogen testing.
Eurofins Microbiology works closely with members of the pork industry to ensure safe food production from farm to fork. Download our guide for Pork Carcass Sampling.
Step inside Eurofins Food Microbiology laboratory for a tour! Learn more about the innovations in service and technology that our labs are using to make testing easier for our customers.
In this digital conference Eurofins experts, industry partners and food safety thought leaders guide attendees through a discussion of the latest solutions and controls for persistent pet food manufacturing issues.
In this webinar, Dr. Douglas Marshall, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer of Eurofins Microbiology, outlines his most valuable tips for an effective environmental monitoring program.
Collecting environment samples in an aseptic manner is critical to ensuring the quality of the testing results. Eurofins Microbiology has updated our guide to effective environmental swabbing.
Give your environmental monitoring program (EMP) a check-up with this webinar co-hosted by Doug Marshall and BRC America's John Kukoly.
Eurofins SF Analytical utilizes scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to solve contamination mysteries for two high-profile food manufacturers.