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The dietary supplement industry has become an increasingly regulated industry since the introduction of the dietary supplement GMPs in 2007. There is still to this day an industry confusion as to the requirements needed to comply with the dietary supplement GMP requirement to use a scientifically valid method. So does this mean the method must be validated?

Rapid Analysis of In-Process Fish Oil by Quality Trait Analysis (QTA) Infrared Spectroscopy

The risk of mycotoxigenic molds on crops has increased due to changing weather conditions. In this article learn about the different ways mycotoxins are being tested for and what industries they are affecting.

Read about the new gluten test method available from Eurofins helping companies provide additional safety for consumers with celiac disease.

In this informative conversation between Vanessa Snyder and Grace Bandong they discuss contaminant testing in hemp and CBD products and why it is important. Grace tells companies the importance of testing for contaminants and gives advice for when and what to test.

Are you struggling with positive environmental pathogen tests? This may indicate that your facility is suffering from microbial harborage sites. A harborage site is a growth niche in which bacteria or other microorganisms can reside and grow for months and possibly years.

QTA technical experts will work with client to develop infrared testing methods for their high volume and high frequent products. The tests are easy to use by any operators, non-technical personal with minimal training.

In this white paper, you'll learn more about the details of Section 402(a)(1) of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act that defines adulteration. What is considered contamination? How it can happen. What levels of extraneous material are acceptable? Filth analysis should be part of any HACCP plan that requires examination of raw material.

Eurofins presents a validation of USP <467> residual solvent methodology for testing on CBD and hemp-based products at the North American Chemical Residue Workshop.

Eurofins presents at AOAC Annual Meeting and Exposition in 2020 summarizing the modifications made to the AOAC Official Method 2018.11 for quantification of cannabinoids to include conversion of Δ9-THCA into Δ9-THC.

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