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Douglas L. Marshall

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Douglas L. Marshall, PhD, CFS

Douglas L. Marshall, PhD, CFS

Chief Scientific Officer

Dr. Marshall is Chief Scientific Officer with Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc., a division of the global life sciences company Eurofins Scientific.  He also is co-founder and Director of the Food Safety Institute, LLC, an integrated consulting and analytical services company affiliated with the Eurofins network of companies.  His former positions include the following:

  • Associate Dean and Professor of Public Health, College of Natural and Health Sciences, University of Northern Colorado
  • Adjunct Professor with the Colorado School of Public Health
  • Professor of Food Science, Nutrition, and Health Promotion at Mississippi State University
  • Assistant Professor of Food Science at Louisiana State University
  • Contributing Editor for the peer-reviewed scientific journal Food Microbiology
  • Four consecutive terms on the editorial board of the Journal of Food Protection

He is a frequent volunteer and consultant to trade associations, NIH, WHO, FAO, USDA, and other government agencies and private companies.  His research and expertise has been featured in popular press venues such as Consumer’s Reports, Fine Cooking, USA Today, Fitness, Health, Men’s Health, Chemtech, Nature Science Updates, and ASM Journal Highlights.  He is a frequently invited speaker and a prolific book chapter writer. With over 250 publications and over 180 invited presentations, his scientific research and outreach interests focus on improving the microbiological quality and safety of foods.  Among these was the completion of the 4 volume Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering, which he Co-Edited.  He has been the recipient of a number of awards for his scholarly efforts including the Mississippi Chemical Corporation Award of Excellence for Outstanding Work, the International Association for Food Protection Educator and Harold Barnum Industry Awards.  He is a Fellow and former member of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Food Technologists, former Chair of the International Food Science Certification Commission, and former member of the Board of Directors of the American Spice Trade Association.  On a personal note, early in his career he served as a deck hand on an Alaskan fishing vessel (well before Deadliest Catch) and prefers to spend his free time lost on a trail in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

Below are resources from Douglas:

Food fraud, also known as economically motivated adulteration, is widespread worldwide.  Food fraud involves deliberate and intentional substitution, addition, tampering or misrepresentation of food, food ingredients or food packaging, labeling, product information or false or misleading statements made about a product for economic gain.  Food fraud can adversely impact consumer health, product quality, and brand reputation.

Validation of aseptic fillers intended for the production of low-acid, shelf-stable products is a core requirement of the FDA’s low-acid canned food (LACF) regulations (21CFR113 and 108.35). Microbiological challenges of the aseptic zone and packaging material sterilization cycles are important components of the validation process. These challenges are often conducted at the production site using non-pathogenic surrogate organisms that mimic the resistance of the pertinent target pathogen. This presentation will provide a brief history of the use of such surrogates for the validation of low-acid aseptic fillers along with the approach we have used to qualify the surrogates as adequate for the intended technology.”

When we send a sample of food for testing, we generally think about a pretty simple system where we submit a sample, wait a bit of time, and then find out if the target organism is there. What we often forget is just how complex our food, processing systems, and environments truly are.

Today, there is a widely shared belief that the rate of non confirming presumptives (NCP’s) “false positives” in food pathogen diagnostics has increased significantly in recent years. This increase has been most closely associated with PCR and real time PCR testing. It has not yet been possible to answer the question definitively, nevertheless, the belief is real, and the limited data that have been analyzed suggest that non confirming presumptive rates are indeed on the rise.

Food and supplement testing has been a necessary part of the safe supply chain which means so have the chemicals that go along with this and until today, there have been very few options that positively affect the environment. Supercritical Fluid Extraction with Supercritical Fluid Chromatography now offers an environmentally safer method that is also faster, as sensitive and as selective as your current methods. We present an alternative way to extract and measure vitamins.

Join our team of presenters at Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories for an in-depth webinar all about rapid microbiological methods. They presented on the range of methods available, as well as the technologies behind them, while also exploring factors that affect their performance.  Learn what to consider when selecting a rapid method such as sensitivity, validation status, and speed.  Practical considerations around the method applications will be addressed.

The reclassification of the genus Lactobacillus into 25 different genera has direct implications for the probiotic industry. This webinar describes the rationale behind the name change, what it means for the industry, how the taxonomy update will be implemented, and why it is a good thing for the consumer.
Keywords: Webinar Probiotic

Do your products need a nutritional label?  Do you ever find yourself facing confusion around nutritional labeling requirements?  Let us help with those questions!  Listen to our informational webinar presented by Mollie Hammerschmidt, Analytical Services Manager, Eurofins Nutrition Analysis Center. She answers the most common questions and pain points we receive, from customers just like you, with nutrition labeling requests.

Are you stuck on the proverbial micro testing loop? Do you submit a sample to the lab, get a non-compliant result, fill out some paperwork, visit a field and then just start right back over at step one? If so watch this webinar on how to fix those issues.

You walk the field, you pick some product, and you drop it off at the lab for testing. Not long after, you hear back your sample is presumptive. Now what?

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