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In this webinar attendees will learn about the technical, instrument, and regulatory considerations for chromatographic method feasibility, development, optimization, verification, validation also method transfer considerations. Original airdate October 20, 2022.
Foreign materials and off-odor or off-flavors in a product may result in loss of consumer trust or a damaged brand reputation. In the worst cases, these issues can be dangerous. The first step in eliminating foreign material and off-odor or off-flavor risk is understanding the sources of contamination, including packaging and production issues and chemical and microbial contamination. This blog explains the benefits of foreign material, off-odor, and off-flavor analysis, the sources of contamination, and the tests available for testing.
Food fraud is a widespread and worldwide problem. Watch this video to learn more about which products are most frequently impacted, and how it can impact your business.
We recently hosted a webinar titled "GC-MS Techniques for Troubleshooting Off-Flavor, Off-Odor, and Flavor Scalping in Foods and Beverages Webinar." This Q&A with Dr. Jamie Willems provides a deeper look in to common questions associated with GC-MS, contaminant detection, and out capabilities at Eurofins.
Pathogen testing is a key part of product development. It can prevent foodborne outbreaks and protect consumers' health and brand reputation. Before developing a testing plan, it is important to understand how any why testing is conducted. This White Paper provides an overview of the types of pathogens to test for and the testing options at Eurofins.
Natural and synthetic food dyes are used in almost all industries. Understanding the potential for dye adulteration is critical to knowing how and why products are affected. Furthermore, testing with a third-party lab can lead to standardized product coloration and reliable ingredient claims. This White Paper introduces the types of food dyes, the benefits of testing, types of tests, and considerations for choosing a third-party lab.
This webinar will provide insights on how a manufacturer validates Bioengineered removal processes and verify compliance with the rule. Original airdate September 15, 2022.
When a product doesn't taste or smell right, it is a good indicator of contamination or packaging and processing issues. GCMS analysis is reliable method for finding the cause of off-odor or flavor and getting your products back to normal! This infographic provides an overview and a case study of how GCMS is used for off-odor and flavor analysis.
This webinar outlines the concept, design and execution of appropriate validation strategies and procedures intended to mitigate microbiological hazards in Low-Water Activity Foods. In the context of FDA regulations, low-water activity foods (LWAF) are those products with a water activity (aw) of less than 0.85. For many decades, these products were believed to present a low microbiological hazard risk. Various food related illness outbreaks, starting with a massive outbreak of salmonellosis due to peanut butter consumption in 2008-2009, raised awareness of the risk resulting from extended survival of pathogens in these products even in the absence of active growth. Original airdate August 23, 2022.
This webinar discusses the risks of foreign materials in food, beverages, ingredients, dietary supplements, and ways to mitigate risks in your supply chain and production process. Also, analytical techniques for foreign material, unknown object isolation, and positive identification. Original airdate August 17, 2022.