Case Studies
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A large dairy product manufacturer expressed interest in an alternate PCR method for the detection of Genus Listeria in their environmental and product testing program due to recurring false-positive detections and high levels of environmental Genus Listeria positives in the recent past. Our objective was to compare the performance of two PCR based methods for Genus Listeria detection.
This scientific poster demonstrates how flow cytometry can be used to accurately and precisely enumerate B. coagulans and B. subtilis in a gummy matrix.
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Our objective was to compare the efficacy of commercially available pathogen screening platforms for detecting Salmonella in probiotic cultures to permit evidence-based platform selection.
This poster explores the use of flow cytometry in GFP-tagged Salmonella strains as positive controls for rapid qualitative Salmonella detection testing.
This poster demonstrates how DNA sequencing can be an important tool in quality control, presumptive confirmations, and environmental monitoring.
Researchers from Eurofins Microbiology and Third Wave Bioactives collaborated to compare the microbial succession of refrigerated chicken noodle soup. The purpose of better understanding how various culture ingredients not only prevent microbial spoilage populations, but also dive deeper into how microbial populations evolve over time.
This study seeks to establish the detectability of Listeria species in probiotic cultures and estimate the sensitivity of detection.
Pathogen detection in foods and environmental samples is a critical element in a food management system. This study set out to compare the robustness of Loop Mediated Amplification (LAMP) with that of PCR as illustrated by the detection threshold of Listeria and Salmonella spiked into culture broths previously incubated with various spices.
Enumeration provides the most basic required information with methodologies evolving to provide improved accuracy, precision, and turnaround times. Acoustic-assisted hydrodynamic flow cytometry incorporates the advance of using sound waves to align the particles in the fluid stream for counting, reducing the time to result.