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Historically, the fresh produce industry has viewed food quality and food safety as different disciplines and utilizing separate science. That is changing. The lines between food safety and quality are becoming blurred.
For processors, retailers, growers and suppliers, the need to understand the intersection of food quality and safety has never been more critical. The strategic partnership between the Qfresh Lab and Eurofins was created specifically to address this need within the industry.
This webinar explores how to navigate through the combination of foods safety and quality.
This webinar with presenter Joelle Mosso, Associate Chief Scientific Officer for the Eurofins Produce Segment, discusses testing and introduces a new rapid screening tool for enteric pathogens Salmonella and Shiga toxigenic E. coli: EPRITM.
We are proud to share this recently published article authored by Dr. Jean Shoeni, Lead Staff Scientist, Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc. which provides tools to reduce measurement uncertainty and strengthen the reliability of probiotic enumerations by using analytical procedure lifecycle management (APLM).
New Rapid Pathogen Testing Services. Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories, Inc. is pleased to share our new Enteric Pathogen Risk Indicator (EPRI™) Testing. This new service is a rapid approach to risk identification and management using fast genetic technology (PCR) with the benefits of an indicator test. In addition, we can screen for Salmonella and Shiga toxigenic E. coli at the same time in one assay.
Validation of aseptic fillers intended for the production of low-acid, shelf-stable products is a core requirement of the FDA’s low-acid canned food (LACF) regulations (21CFR113 and 108.35). Microbiological challenges of the aseptic zone and packaging material sterilization cycles are important components of the validation process. These challenges are often conducted at the production site using non-pathogenic surrogate organisms that mimic the resistance of the pertinent target pathogen. This presentation will provide a brief history of the use of such surrogates for the validation of low-acid aseptic fillers along with the approach we have used to qualify the surrogates as adequate for the intended technology.”
When we send a sample of food for testing, we generally think about a pretty simple system where we submit a sample, wait a bit of time, and then find out if the target organism is there. What we often forget is just how complex our food, processing systems, and environments truly are.
Method validation, method verification and fitness for purpose all seem similar, but each requires a distinct level of evaluation and different considerations. Learn more about their similarities and differences in this article.
Today, there is a widely shared belief that the rate of non confirming presumptives (NCP’s) “false positives” in food pathogen diagnostics has increased significantly in recent years. This increase has been most closely associated with PCR and real time PCR testing. It has not yet been possible to answer the question definitively, nevertheless, the belief is real, and the limited data that have been analyzed suggest that non confirming presumptive rates are indeed on the rise.
Join our team of presenters at Eurofins Microbiology Laboratories for an in-depth webinar all about rapid microbiological methods. They presented on the range of methods available, as well as the technologies behind them, while also exploring factors that affect their performance. Learn what to consider when selecting a rapid method such as sensitivity, validation status, and speed. Practical considerations around the method applications will be addressed.
Learn about the most common food pathogens and their impact in food handling and production. Testing your products can help manage risk of contamination from pathogens. Partner with Eurofins for all of your food safety testing needs.