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LT2 Monitoring

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All public water systems using surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water are required to monitor under LT2.


LT2 Analytical Experience

At Eurofins, we take pride in our technical expertise to analyze for Cryptosporidium, as well as in our in-depth understanding of complex requirements of the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2).

  • Eurofins was one of the first laboratories to be granted EPA Approval for analyzing for Cryptosporidium using EPA Method 1623
  • Eurofins has analyzed over 4300 samples for LT2 Round 1
  • Eurofins has maintains the largest sample capacity of LT2 approved laboratories. We have 2 high-quality microscopes and can analyze up to 60 samples per week
  • Eurofins employs 5 principle analysts and technicians to support your LT2 sample requests
  • Eurofins consistently outperforms other laboratories participating in the EPA’s performance testing (PT) studies with 61-72% for recoveries of Cryptosporidium

Health Risk

Pathogens, such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium, are often found in surface water, and can cause gastrointestinal and other health risks. Cryptosporidium is particularly concerning in drinking water because it is resistant to chlorine and other disinfectants and has caused waterborne disease outbreaks. Consuming water with Cryptosporidium can cause gastrointestinal illness, which may be severe or fatal for sensitive populations (infants, the elderly or individuals with immunocompromised systems).

Eurofins values your inquiries about our company, capabilities, and services. We are committed to assisting the industries that we serve to find the most cost effective and complete analytical solutions to meet your needs.

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