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Unit Conversion Table

From To mm Hg in Hg in H₂0
atm lb/in² kg/cm² kPa
mm Hg 1 0.03937 0.5353 0.00132 0.01934 0.00136 0.1333
in Hg 25.40 1 13.60 0.03342 0.4912 0.03453 3.387
in H2O 1.868 0.07355 1 0.00246 0.03613 0.00254 0.2490
atm 760 29.92 406.8 1 14.70 1.033 101.3
lb/in² 51.71 2.036 27.67 0.06805 1 0.07031 6.895
kg/cm² 735.6 28.96 393.7 0.9678 14.22 1 98.05
kPa 7.500 0.2953 4.016 0.00987 0.1450 0.0102 1


From To cm³ liter in³ ft³ gal
cm³ 1 0.001 1x10⁻⁶ 0.06102 3.53x10⁻⁵ 2.64x10⁻⁴
liter 1000 1 0.001 61.02 0.03532 0.2642
1x10⁶ 1000 1 6.10x10⁴ 35.31 264.2
in³ 16.39 0.01639 1.64x10⁻⁵ 1 5.79x10⁻⁴ 0.00433
ft³ 2.83x10 28.32 0.02832 1728 1 7.481
gal 3785 3.785 0.00379 231.0 0.1337 1


From To lit/sec  gal/min ft³/sec ft³/min mL/min
lit/sec 1 15.85 0.03532 2.119 60,000
gal/min 0.06309 1 0.00223 0.1337 264.2
ft³/sec 28.32 448.8 1 60 2118.6
ft³/min 0.4719 7.481 0.01667 1 35.31
mL/min 1.667x10⁻⁵
3.785x10⁻³ 4.720x10⁻⁴ 2.63x10² 1