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Radiochemistry: A Primer

Most environmental professionals are well-versed in chemical analysis methods, instrumentation, and data review. However, when it comes to radiochemistry, many do not feel comfortable with the terminology, decay basics, or isotopes and methodologies. Even for those with a relatively sound background, there may be an aspect of the topics that may have not been considered. Basic terminology to help one navigate the Radiochemistry landscape will be explained. Essentials of radioactive decay and ingrowth, with an eye toward TAT, will be described. And, key isotopes and industry sectors that may need analysis for them will be explored.

Topics the presentation will cover:

  • Terminology – translating the Radiochemistry “lingo”
  • Radioactive decay – what actually is this? Why can we measure it? Decay and Ingrowth – when they say “we are waiting on ingrowth”, what are they talking about and how does it affect the analysis and turnaround time (TAT)?
  • Who needs Radiochemistry analyses? Hint – it is not just DOE/DoD legacy sites…
  • Key Isotopes – What are they, and what instrumentation types are used?

Original Airdate:  Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Length:  60 minutes 

Presenter: Terry Romanko - Eurofins Environment Testing