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Electronic Chain of Custody (eCOC)

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As an environment testing company, our responsibility extends beyond simply testing the environment. We also need to consider how we are contributing to its health. This is one of the reasons behind our switch to the Electronic Chain of Custody (eCOC). eCOC is our next step towards sampling efficiency and an environmentally responsible future that alleviates the burdens our clients experience with paper forms.

eCOC allows clients and field technicians alike to create electronic Chains of Custody with ease via a tablet or phone. We understand that the internet isn’t always obtainable when you’re in the field. That’s why we’ve made eCOC functional for offline use, enabling you to take it wherever you go without worrying about connectivity issues. 

eCOC makes seamless custody exchanges possible by equipping electronic signatures. These allow you to relinquish custody, receive your QR code and get a receipt, all in a few simple steps.

Multi-day sampling events are no problem as we’ve incorporated the ability to split your chain of custody. You can also view your upcoming sampling events and receive automated email notifications of your eCOC submissions and acceptances.

eCOC’s simple interface makes navigating your chain of custody almost effortless. We invite you to see for yourself with our eCOC walkthroughs. These videos take you through every step, from logging in to relinquishing custody. If you have additional questions, our team is ready to support you with answers.



eCOC Features:

  • Extended accessibility via mobile devices
  • Automatically generated eCOCs from the bottle orders
  • Accelerated custody exchange times
  • Simple interface for easy navigation
  • Expedited laboratory log-in

Requirements for eCOC:

Getting to eCOC is easy and requires only two things:

  1. Mobile Device (Tablet, Phone or Laptop) with latest version of Google Chrome (recommended)
  2. myEOL account


Learn more about eCOC below:

10-steps to using eCOC (printable)