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Biota, Tissue, Vegetation

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Eurofins realizes that PFAS contamination does not end with soil and water. Whether marine or freshwater environments, Eurofins is prepared to tackle some of the most complex PFAS matrices such as fish, bivalves, invertebrates, and plant-life.


The proper preparation is at the heart of success with these matrices and Eurofins can tailor any project to the client’s needs.

  • Should the tissue or vegetation be prepared for edible portions only?
  • Would a survey of just the viscera be more suitable?
  • Perhaps just the root system should be analyzed?
  • Whatever the need, Eurofins can not only accommodate these requests, we can isolate and homogenize any component of tissue, vegetation, and biota under our controlled and monitored PFAS preparation laboratories.

Success with these matrices begins with preparation, but it doesn’t end there.

  • Our advanced sample clean-up steps remove many of the common interferences that can hinder detection limits and reduce confidence in the data.
  • Eurofins co-developed the “Stacked-SPE” approach that utilizes multiple chemistries within a single SPE cartridge.
  • This tool revolutionized sample cleanup by not only improving recoveries, it also reduces overall waste and uses less solvent within the laboratory.

Let’s not forget about the instrumentation.

  • These complex matrices can wreak havoc on LCMS systems unless properly mitigated.
  • Eurofins works closely with LCMS column and instrument manufacturers to ensure that your thousandth sample is introduced into an instrument as clean as the first sample.
  • We take additional steps to monitor for known interferences in addition to the target analytes.
  • All of these advances and extra measures have one goal: superior data for our clients regardless of matrices.

Eurofins values your inquiries about our company, capabilities, and services. We are committed to assisting the industries that we serve to find the most cost effective and complete analytical solutions to meet your needs.

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