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Eurofins Denver now DoD/DoE accredited for Draft EPA Method 1633

Eurofins Environment Testing laboratory in Denver, CO announces that they have received accreditation for Draft EPA Method 1633 for the US Department of Defense and Department of Energy under QSM 5.4 Table B-24 for all 40 PFAS compounds for water and solid matrices. The Denver lab joins our Sacramento and Lancaster laboratories in providing the most comprehensive service offering to the DoD and DoE markets, further exemplifying the Eurofins network of laboratories as a leader in PFAS testing.

With over 20 years of experience, Eurofins Environment Testing USA laboratories utilize gold-standard methods to support PFAS analysis and analyze an extensive list of matrices for PFAS contamination. This list includes but is not limited to: potable and non-potable water; solids and biosolids; powders and micro-powders; AFFF; concrete; dispersants; leachate; biota, tissue and vegetation; soils, sediments, and sludge; viscous liquids; commercial products such as carpeting, packaging and other items; foods and dairy; and animal and human serum and whole blood. Eurofins Environment Testing USA supports emerging technologies such as Total Oxidizable Precursors (TOP) Assay, TOF/AOF/EOF, GC/MS/MS, and Non-Target Analysis.