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California State Water Resources Control Board Issues New PFAS Testing Orders

Recently, the California State Water Resources Control Board issued Orders to Refineries and Bulk Fuel Storage Terminals requiring they submit a work plan and begin testing for PFAS at their facilities. Specifically, the Order requires:

Submit a one-time preliminary site investigation work plan for review and approval by the appropriate Regional Water Board, by June 2, 2021, that:

a) identifies the PFAS-containing materials in your facility;
b) identifies the areas where PFAS-containing materials are stored, used, and/or disposed;
c) details the various potential pathways (current and historic) for discharge of PFAS from your facility and the nature of potential PFAS contamination in the surface and subsurface soil, groundwater

In support of this effort, laboratories must maintain California ELAP (Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program) and provide the analysis of 31 PFAS analytes in compliance with Table B-15 of the Department of Defense (DoD) Quality Systems Manual (QSM) version 5.3 or later.

In addition to extensive experience with PFAS investigations at AFFF impacted sites, Eurofins holds California ELAP certification and meets all State ordered requirements.

  • DOD and CA ELAP Certified for non-potable water and soil by EPA Method 537M compliant with DoD QSM 5.3 Table B-15
  • Analyzes for all 31 of the required analytes in Table 1 at the required reporting limits in aqueous and solid matrices
  • Offers extended analyte list options, up to 75 PFAS, along with investigative tools: TOF (Total Organic Fluorine) and TOP Assay (Total Oxidizable Precursors)
  • Supports general chemistry parameters in Table 2 and can provide all data in Geotracker EDF format

How Can Eurofins Help You?

  • With a thorough understanding of the State requirements we are here to assist or provide comment during the development of your work plan.
  • We have been supporting complex site investigation and remediation efforts at AFFF impacted sites for nearly two decades
  • We understand the unique and challenging needs of our Oil and Gas clients undertaking sampling events to identify sources and distribution of PFAS at their facilities.
  • We offer the nation's largest LCMSMS capacity dedicated to PFAS testing. This unmatched capacity means we can keep our commitment to support a standard turnaround time (TAT) of 10 business days and any rush TAT needs you may have.