Scott joined Eurofins J3 Resources, Inc. in 2005 upon graduation from Texas A&M University, where he earned his doctorate in microbiology. Scott has extensive experience conducting analyses in both industrial hygiene (PCM, PLM, TEM) and environmental microbiology laboratories. His insight and expertise are essential to maintaining Eurofins J3’s strong and reliable quality control system. Scott’s attention to these high standards of practice allows Eurofins J3 to sustain both its AIHA and NVLAP accreditations.
While at Texas A&M, Scott published several articles in peer-reviewed journals dealing with chemo tactic signal transduction pathways in bacteria. He currently serves on the ASTM D22.08 Air Quality Technical Committee and is a full member of the American Industrial Hygiene Association. Scott can routinely be seen as a guest lecturer at Houston-area training facilities, where he provides laboratory insight to be carried out by field personnel on both sampling methods and analysis.