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Globally Harmonized Brand, Systems and Services

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by Timothy S. Oostdyk, Ph.D., President, Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories, Sr. Vice President, Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Group

One of the key factors to providing a compelling, high-quality service offering to a diverse global audience such as the bio/pharmaceutical industry, is harmonization. When working with a global laboratory group likes ours, clients must be confident that they will receive the same level of expertise, quality, best practices and overall service from any one of our laboratories, no matter where they are in the world.

Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories adopted this philosophy of harmonization when we acquired our Ireland facility in 2007, and clients tell us that this has been very valuable to them. Most recently, we’ve had the opportunity to lead the efforts to further harmonize Eurofins global bio/pharmaceutical product testing laboratories, including driving the harmonization of the brand, systems and services.

Harmonized Brand


I am very pleased to announce that we have a new brand for our group, Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing. Our network of 13 GMP product testing laboratories had previously operated under a number of different brands. In order to align these laboratories and present one cohesive global unit, we have developed this single brand for the overall group.

With service offerings that are fully comprehensive for both small and large molecule products, Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing is the largest network of harmonized, GMP bio/pharmaceutical product testing labs worldwide.

Harmonized Systems

While a global presence is very valuable, what is really important to international clients is the ability for all laboratories to operate under the same policies, procedures and guidelines. This kind of consistency requires a significant investment of resources and technology, which we at Eurofins are making in order to achieve full harmonization.

Today, all 1,700 employees of Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing operate under the same Global Quality Policy Manual and utilize the same CAPA/Exceptions Management System and Document Management System.

Starting in the first quarter of 2014, clients working with any of our laboratories will also be able to review project data and reports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with our global online portal, Whether a client is working with our laboratory in Lancaster, Munich or Paris—or all three for various projects—project information such as reports, test results, status of samples and project information for any project within the Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing network will be available through this single, online portal.

Harmonized Services

It is also very important that our laboratories operate with a consistent level of scientific expertise, and offer a consistent, market leading product to our customers. Therefore we routinely and deliberately drive collaboration on services, regulations and new technology across our network. Most recently, our Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories scientists in Lancaster have been actively working with our team in Munich to launch our European Viral Safety and Clearance services, an exciting addition to our rapidly growing service offerings in the EU.

Active collaboration is also continuing between Lancaster and Copenhagen to set-up harmonized service offerings in trace metals testing to address the emerging requirements in this area, including newly designed labs and protocols. We have also harmonized our rapid sterility methods in the US and Ireland, and we collaborate regularly with our Ireland lab to support products being released in both the US and EU. These types of active collaborations drive consistency and excellence in our science and services.

Importantly we have also harmonized our service models to offer all global clients the same flexible service models with the ability to tailor programs to maximize cost effectiveness and meet project needs. This includes our traditional fee-for-service model, our managed hours program, full time equivalent (FTE) program, and our award-winning Professional Scientific StaffingSM program, which has grown to include more than 30 locations in 7 countries.

At Eurofins Lancaster Laboratories, and throughout the Eurofins BioPharma Product Testing Group, we are working extremely hard every day to deliver to you the most harmonized and comprehensive GMP service offering available in the industry. Our commitment and passion is to deliver the same high levels of quality, technology and scientific expertise throughout the world. Thank you for your business, and we look forward to serving you.